Donate to the Orchestra

Make a tax-deductible donation today. Your support helps us continue to bring classical masterpieces to residents of Decorah and surrounding communities as well as provide opportunities for amateur and professional musicians to continue a lifelong study of classical music. We use donations to pay for sheet music, advertising and printing, soloist honoraria, and administrative expenses. We acknowledge all donors with a letter verifying their tax-deductible donation and with a listing in the donors section of our concert programs.

Donate Online

Click here to make a donation online via credit card or PayPal.

Venmo: @OVCOrch

Donate by Mail

If you wish to donate by mail, please send a check addressed to Oneota Valley Community Orchestra to:

Oneota Valley Community Orchestra
PO Box 34
Decorah, IA 52101

Become a Season Sponsor

Season sponsorships are available starting at $3000. Your organization will be featured prominently in all of our programs, posters, and other promotional materials. Email to learn more.

Sponsor a Concert

Individual concert sponsorships are available for $1500. Your organization will be featured prominently in the program, poster, and other promotional materials for the concert. Email to learn more.

Sponsor a Concert Piece

Individual piece sponsorships are available for $500. Your name (or organization’s name) will be listed in the program and poster for that concert as the sponsor for the piece that you choose. Email to learn more.